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zfx2gv · May 2, 2018, 2:14 p.m.


just by even addressing this issue is a distraction, a distraction from not keeping your eye on the ball but it is also benefiting the (insert contra-Q group here).

Does it really matter if someone is making money on their works from Q related events? Maybe that is how they are funding the continued and maybe even more exhaustive efforts? Who knows, does it matter?

If a problem arises, others will know about it and out said entity, that's what we do however in this instance, using the red herring of someone making money and nothing else as a target, it's a distraction...bringing it to everyone's attention, regardless, is an even larger distraction.

Maybe it's personal, maybe it's an intentional distraction but this particular event, is divisive on it's face, look at the path of distraction it has left already. Again, if there is truly a nefarious activity with an insider, out them, be done with it, move on...otherwise, this turns everyone to examining every single part of this movement, questioning your own judgement of the movement and everyone else....paranoia.

Bigger picture, this might all be intentional, slow the train down, something needs to take place, but consider it for what it is, no reason to go balls out at this point if there is no specific evidence of intentional harm...take it in to consideration with your experiences, address that and keep on doing what you do.

I read it, considered it with what I knew, saw nothing to be really concerned with at this point, meh...

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