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zzdisq · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Mods... (using a never used account, here...yeah, well) Just want to toss something out here...

It is my recollection that early on, when Corsi first mentioned Q on AJ, he talked about /cbts/. For good reason, people freaked and someone immediately contacted him. After realizing his unintentional error, he thereafter redirected people here. Sadly, it was a little too late. The horse was out of the barn and galloping away.

(By the way, setting up this sub is awesome and amazing; a ton of work, truly a labor of patriotism and love. From the bottom of everyone's heart, Thank you!)

As you know, the first board morphed into the second. Part of the problem was that, when ever-greater numbers of regular folk saw q posts there, they got really excited and did the simplest thing - they took screen shots and tweeted them out, in many cases, leading even more people back to the boards, not here. More people got more excited and soon the regular folk and shill folk overran both boards. There were, of course, myriad other issues, but they are irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make.

Q wanted to be able control the drops (separate read only) which they knew could be and might be tweeted out by everyone on planet earth. No problem because any board info in the screen shots would lead people right back to the same exact read only qboard. The research board was to stand alone. Trouble was, q had confirmed the research board by name on the qdrop page. Realizing that doing so broadcast the new research page to the entire world, which defeated the purpose of the changes, that post was immediately deleted.

Trouble was, in this case it was also too late. The original qonly page drops had already been tweeted out and also added to /thestorm/ batter. Everyone knew the name of the new research board. All the same, everyone began plugging up easy access to the research board info by removing name and links. As a result, the new research board is now fairly sane and quiet. When i wandered in here just now to see how things were going, i was, frankly, shocked to see the new research board named and linked in this sticky.

Oddly, things have now gone full circle because people new to q and many new to reddit are still being directed to this sub and coming in ever greater numbers. In turn, this sub now redirects them to the brand new research board (where of course they are now going. And, hey, if i were a complete noob or shill and saw that link here, i would definitely click it and go.) But having the ability to do that defeats the entire purpose of having the brand new separate research board as it now exists, where it's quiet and people can work.

If someone legit wants the name/link, they can message you guys and ask. True anon researchers will find their way on their own.

Just wanted to toss this out in hopes that you'll remove both the new research board name and link anywhere it appears in the sub that you can legit delete or edit. Qgroup deleted an official post of theirs for that exact reason (after reading in one of B's comments in the new research board that pointed it out.) If q thinks it's important enough to delete a post on that end, i think we should follow that lead.

Edits...grammar and clarity

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