Any decent /pol/ alternatives not full of retards, shills, etc. and not run by a turk?
Pic related
This is supposed to be about VIDEO GAMES, not just polidicks.
/debate/ seems decent.
Remember the "ANIME IS ALL MARXIST TRASH" faggot shilling here? Probably a /weebleftypol/ shill posing as /pol/
Reddit This is an unfortunate side effect of the shit during the election.
I'm not a stormfag though, I'm a lolberg.
To be fair, they're not saying it should be banned, just that they disagree with him.
>being a newfag
The way shit's set up, the chief hotpockets aren't allowed to kick out any vols because then every vol would have to stand in line to Jim and his crew.
/pol/ has been a kikeground for over a year at this point