>Mark has the gall to ask the GAMERgate thread to be GAME related
truly his kikery has no bounds
It said "fuck negroes" a week ago and nothing happened
>How a PR Agency Stole Our Kickstarter Money
>How a Failed Kickstarter Campaign Told The World Half The Story and Painted Us As Crowdfunding Super-Villains. And, Yes… We’re Partially To Blame.
>GG starts trending out of nowhere for who the hell knows what reason
>Threads start being flooded with shitpost and fud about 8chan, Jim, Mark, HW, etc
literally who
>Wait I'm a fucking idiot, I confused her with Based Mom.
the irony will hit you any moment now
Well, there's Ralp… no wait he was a revoltard and people hated him.
There was Seattle4…. hmm this one was the same thing.
What about that terrorist Goldbe… no he was actually a troll pretending on both sides…
For a worldwide cabal of terrorists we are doing a real shit job
Does the trash bin at least identifies itself as female? Otherwise you're not contributing to our cause you're just harming the environment
Boogie is a pity-whore. He feeds on people feeling bad about him and the attention he gets with a snap of his fat fingers