The targets of this crowdfunding, retarded social media addicts leftards, are mostly without careers and broke if not of their patreon bux. Of course it won't get funded. This fit the pattern I have noticed since the start, lefties are mostly addicted to twitter and have no real jobs, living on hand-me downs and other. The only thing they have are those tweets which they think defines them, and once Twitter is gone, they won't even have that. In 5 to 20 years they won't be able to prove they fought the evil misogyterrorists of the hatechan or tweeted their shitty #resist hashtag.
I wanted to write 5 to 10 but to 20 works too. On the Internet nothing really last forever, though as long as the guy is willing to maintain it, it will be accessible. Even their collusion and virtue signaling will be forgotten given enough time, but the thing is that they won't forget it themselves. Realizing you spent years writing retarded 140 characters every 5min and that all of it is gone or doesn't matter anymore is going to hit hard.
The trenches were the fucking same, it was Hoth: Desert Edition.