>leaving cause nazis 1/1/18
If he really wanted to leave he'd do it now instead of waiting for the new year.
It is pretty crazy. I'm just waiting for the beta this weekend to try it myself to make my own judgements. But there's a lot of shitflinging in that thread. Goddamn.
Apparently the DLC for new hunts/monsters will be free, while cosmetic DLC will be paid. That's all I know from what they said about the game so far.
In the thread it's mostly consolewars, discord and copy-pasting arguments/screencaps.
I don't care about who the audience is, personally. I just want to know if it plays well for me to like it enough.
Vavra's game looks pretty good.
People will be disingenuous on purpose.
They call Atlus anti-trans but Erica was one of the most non-token trans characters in video games.
They'll also call Atlus that for "handling Naoto Shirogane poorly", while knowing the story but paying attention only to their own headcannon.
The people higher up, not the tumblrfaggots, the people in the media like Laura Kate Dale or in localization, they don't want Atlus to make "good characters". They want to shame Atlus to the point where they make "their" kind of games and characters. And they'll still keep doing it if Atlus bows, which I assume they won't, considering the next big game the Persona team is handling is a medieval fantasy game, and it looks to be all about swords, sorcery, cute girls.
There are still people who'll go around screaming that Naoto was trans and that Kanji and Yusuke are gay. Completely ignoring what the game was talking about. They'll always go headcanon first.
His sexuality is kind of a plaything when it comes to humorous situations, but the game establishes that he's insecure about his hobbies (arts/craft/sewing etc). He thinks those are feminine hobbies, and that people will think he's gay, hence him dying his hair and acting like a tough guy to cover it up.
People like to use the Shadows as an argument, but the shadows are partially their insecurities turned up to max, combined with the public perception of them.
The either never played it, or if they did, refuse what the game is telling them and prefer to go with their own headcanon.
For the supposedly "smarter" people, like the ones who blog on Kotaku instead of Tumblr, it's faux outrage to use as ammo in an effort to control the Japanese game industry.
Most of the bitching was about two flamboyantly gay characters who harass Ryuji.
People think Yusuke is gay but his sexuality is never focused upon. He's at least bi since he shows interest when Ann was wringing her yukata when it was wet, showing off her legs. He's also autistic as fuck.
Lala Escargot is a crossdresser/tranny (it's never really explained/focused on) who runs a tranny bar, which is a thing in Japan. She even jokes about crossdressing with the main character when he says he wants to work there and asks her if he needs to crossdress to do so.
I hope it suffers in development hell for a decade and when it releases it's worse than mighty no. 9
Maybe then people will stop giving shitface money.
Fig is also his own thing, so maybe it's a money laundering scheme.
So you know how Atlus is getting flak from the usuals about trans and LGBT?
I swear to god the new character in Catherine: Full Body is a trap
>Erica was treated badly
Fucking how? You only discover that she's trans through extensive dialogue bits and clues (she doesn't go "I'm Erica, I used to be a boy") and her friends are still friends with her despite her changing from Eric to Erica. Yeah, they rib on her from time to time but she takes it in stride and doesn't let anyone else keep her down.