> Magicgate – the Ugly Story of How Social Justice Warriors Ruined an Innocent Collectible Card Game
> Magicgate – the Ugly Story of How Social Justice Warriors Ruined an Innocent Collectible Card Game
I just remembered that Jim got a bit too salty against drrandomcam that he went off against Jordan Peterson with the argument being that JP was being like EA selling microtransactions, got his fanboy sycophants make excuses that JP was wrong for no reason that having a Patreon that was larger than Jim while being a tenure professor and that he being a clinical psychologist is the same as some self-help guru, and then loudly proclaims "I know myself! Peterson shouldn't tell you jack shit and clean your room buckaroos!" then he went back to making more videos of broken and mentally ill autists.
He fucks up from time to time, well a lot, yet all of his fanboys cover up for him by insulting you as an "autist deviant art furfag" or a "rick and morty reddittor" That twitter feud he has with drrandomcam has him looking like a fool, then he passive aggressively makes some videos that mock him and then pretend it never happened, seriously don't know why he was whinging at Peterson other than that $10 personality test, then he covers it up by calling all Peterson's supporters as idiots who need someone to clean their room while being as rabid as Rick and Morty fans. For Jim to actually say that Peterson attempting to help some fucked up grown men and women "Sort themselves out" as some scam, really hypocritical and stupid of him to say "You know yourself! you don't need him to say you need to better yourself!"
It isn't, they seem to have that contrarian troll mentality, and they always seem to be right of themselves because the fedoralords who don't know themselves and can't think like Jordan Peterson, yet they can't help to give Jim money to make videos and streams talking about internet and mentally ill people, I know it's for entertainment but be fucking self-aware. Jim is an entertainer while Peterson is helping those fucked up people who got abused, cheated, abandoned, brainwashed and ect. a little bit of self-awareness.
He is, in his own words an "Individualist who can think for himself" and goddamn Jim, don't make some retarded statements of "Hey people you know yourself! you are all functional human beings with a good and healthy ego and mindset!" because that is not what is going on, and he keeps referring to Peterson as some self-help Guru who scams people.
He rebranded himself, from InternetAristocrat to MisterMetokur. He's only good for entertainment in internet drama, and he's got a good ego to mock faggots like Destiny for defending the same redditor sjw scum that spread pictures of his small penis to the internet, but it doesn't mean he can do no wrong, like Sargon and the entire skeptard community. And he cornered the jewtube market for disseminating lolcows in video form while commentating his opinions that range from funny, insightful to pants-head retarded jealously from time to time.
A lot of people seem to support jewtubers who have "nice" accents like those brits, look at Totalbiscuit and Cuckold Sterling.
Did they put out the online article yet? Game Informer usually does that shit after their magazine publication. If not, gonna find a pdf copy of their turd rag and read more shit from there.
Gonna wait till someone uploads that issue in pdf form online, it's how we confirmed how much shit game misinformer eats and how they still love Anita while their readers keep telling them to stop shilling for her.
It's not just Kraut, but a lot of the skeptard community with leftist leanings and some bitch from Jew York Times were gathering information about their opponents more than debunking their arguments. Netsperg was in it, Thunderfoot and a whole army of jewtuber scientists and academics.
Sargon and everyone in that discord server fucked up, we got Aydin crying, BasedMama, CoachRedPill and ect saying they tried or lie, it's a clusterfuck of people I never even fucking heard. Skeptards' egos escalated this bullshit. Hilarious, sad, and disappointing.
No /pol/ there was leftypol jewtubers like Bat'ko there. Read they planned
Best fucking captain, and fuck Picard and those jews from TNG who tried to solve the question of who was best Captain by killing Kirk and have Picard be the last man standing, same shit they did to Luke by making Rey be the last Jedi.
It's why people were wary of that Pigfood Josh, his only experience in coding is running a site that was the cwc forums to kiwifarms, why people called him the lolcow Josh.
Sad to say, but he released a short Xmas level a long time ago. Haven't heard from him for some time, hope he's well.
His argument against calling that $10 personality test and comparing Peterson to EA was fucking goddamn retarded, nor was calling him a self-help guru, the only argument I can agree was that Faith Goldy incident, watch it here.
February next year, Vavra has been telling people in twitter he's working hard with the team on the stiff animations and faces.
Mister "Jim Yellowfever" Metokur there was doing his same old shtick, he was still pissed at the treatment of Faith Goldy, but then he just addressed dumb shit with that $10 personality test, he just tries to belittle and make his profession of being a clinical psychologist be the same as a self-help guru and also make it sound like Peterson is delegitimize, like wtf, that is the same argument that skeptards he mocks do, and he has the balls to tell people not to listen to Peterson because he's a scammer while mocking Peterson's mantra of improving yourself by telling everyone they should "Think for themselves" a few days later he's making videos making fun of internet lolcows who are fucked up, even /pol/ is accurate with their criticism with JBP, but goddamn that no self-awareness with Jim's edgy sycophants who refuse to look in the mirror that they sound like those Rick and Morty High IQ fans they keep mocking.
That is one of the legit criticisms you can make, but Jim on the other hand had to level with his supposedly freethinking high IQ fanboys with his very accurate and legitimate concerns while still hiding his being salty by acting like an old school troll from SomethingAwful. This is why you don't worship E-celebs, we lost too many people to their retardation, like that anon who lost his job because he blindly followed that fucking retard Richard Spencer with Tiki Torch retardation while giving out his real life information to their fucking discord channel, talk about entrapment operation by a controlled opposition fucktard.