>this is first post
Anon why are you doing this
>the pre-garegate internet
I kinda miss those days too, the pre-2009 image board where before Faux news anon bomb ban shit happened
>they couldn't stop a man shooting people at Las Vegas
>but they can stop terror attack on SF
So there's no god or buddha huh?
>failed to being furry inquisitor
>"Bu.. but she's an elf!"
>"I.. I ain't gonna masturbate I swear!"
I bet you masturbate to trap hentai every night
>I still donโt understand - the woman is unconscious on the floor. Is this funny? Iโm genuinely perplexed.
This is fucking Holocaust tier of fun not allowed attitude
>literally it's not extreme enough
agreed, nowaday commercials are boring, they need to be extreme like 90's
>Gamesnosh dead
>Nichegamer soldout
>Techraptor scared off
If those two outlets dies there would be no gaming new websites to go for me
fug pardon me my brain fucked and i thought they sold out i confused them with recent techraptor removing articles shit
Could we able to defend the Nyaa against the great Fakku DMCA invasion?
plz do not post that picture again it triggered my PTSD plz
The great gook rebellion against the Feminist overlord this year. The war is still ongoing. I've seen some shit, anon. I've seen literally hundreds and thousands of used sanitary pads on the walls of streets with big red cursing words. My granma literally fainted on the steet after saw that.
I should update soon.
Remember when we hated gays? What are we now? Have we gazed abyss too long? Only dead can know peace from this faggotory.
I'm gonna pay you guys 5 Steam keys to stop being gay
NO MORE GAYPOSTING post more dank memes and chen instead until we hit 700
>literally pay someone to be more gay
For what purpose?
Trump regime sending emergency stand by orders to all contractors in US already, Trump already kneeled down China and preparing war if Norks does not listen, president Moon is fucking panicking cause he absolutely does not want a war in his term and desperately trying to persuade Norks but Norks does not listen, Norks are under direct control of Illuminati and Japanese Dragon society and Trump regime is under negotiation with Japs to whether wage the war or not. But I expect war to be not happen at least until 2021. Bilderberg and even Jap cabal does not want the war right now but Trump and his military complex superpower is fucking eagerly wants to remove Norks because various reasons.
In short; nothing will likely happen. Japs does not want war because Norkland is basically their forecourt. Trump must have permission from Japs to start war but Abe and right-wings in Japland wants Norks to live forever because they helps to their election and propaganda. Japs basically lost their influence over Worst Korea after Park purge and that make Japs more desperately defend the Nork.
Moon is fucking JUST because he literally have no control over the situation right now.
And I think Japs and Trump made deal to not wage war, but more threatening and political/ diplomatic pressure on Norks to literally help Abe's party. In here insiders already considering the current Trump's mad pressure on Nork as part of deal with Japan although I'm not sure. My party's people thinks Trump is threatening Norks and Norks shooting missiles just to help Abe. Abe's party supports Norks over 10 billion dollar annually in official numbers, as aid. Nothing will happen if we're right.
>wanted to start quality discussion
>anons immediately flood with gay flirts
>provide quality info to turn this gay shit to something worth
>post stops and thread freezes
Trump regime, in precisely the power behind Trump who made him president, are fucking wants to remove China so badly because they're pozzed beyond recognition and China now is basically Illuminati the country. Somewhere between 2014 the power game in Illuminati & Worldwide Masonic changed and cracked so some weird strife shit begun and ultimately the military industrial complex rebelled and wants to remove Illuminati and stick with ayyys aka J-Rod. Fucking york rite masons from England are developing god damn fucking some type of Foxdie to kill Chinese LMAO. Masons literally developing virus to kill Chinese population.
Japs wants to invade Korea again sometime in future, and in this insider talk of 'sometime' is like within 50 years.
Far East Asia right now is like gathering storm of early 20th century Balkan. It's fucking ticking time bomb and nobody realizes it. Although Trump and superpowers promised Korea to not wage war soon but this fucking fragile peace can be broken in a second as you know. It could happen any time.
But I expect war to not happen soon, we suffered enough last century, god will guide us to better future.
And do not trust Alex Jones, although I respect him for doing fucking dirty job, he's Zionist and being directly paid from Israel. Alex's materials are propaganda too, just different kind of propaganda than MSM.
There is nothing sacred about alternative news outlets, just like how David Icke being dirty Jesuit.
The most persuadable source about it on the internet would be this.
As I know the virus is already ready and prep in their bunker. They already have viruses to kill almost every specific DNA types on planet. There is reason why Fukushima is assassinated for writing plot for MGS.
which rule you mean, anon?
>>Gook anon totally fine to ERP and gay buttsex
Daily reminder that gook never accepted ERP and never consented any of these god forsaken gay shit and he does not even know how it started and how to stop it.
>Mass Effect: Andromeda Never Even Existed
Hell no, how can I forget this? This game will be remembered forever as fucking the most dramatic failure of video game history.