The hat stays,
Assumed water dog would be a titty monster after monki and cock, so didn't care. Now I don't need more water people, but I am a lolicon.
So far looks like they're doing a good job at translating the art style.
Christmas Sen, fine by me.
Did the astrals give some humans animal ears to make erunes or were they always around before the aliens showed up? This question can go for potatoes and draph too really.
I like the cut of crew 2's jib.
Yes, there's nothing wrong with 2D brown girls, as long as you don't go beyond dark vanilla.
Exquisite taste anon.
Is this a scam?
The Society must be stopped.
It sounds more menacing every event that touches it. Beato is the definition of an useful idiot. Zeta worries me though.
High calorie foods.
Loyalty Zeta.
Short blonde people.
This is strange even for Cag.
You mean two free 10 draws right? You're not throwing out tickets and crystals this close to legfest I hope.
Not gonna make plat this month.