You become a girl(male).
But where is the proof?
>Japanese Garfield
We don't know.
I hope Erica's a shemale. I don't want to imagine Atlus seriously thinking it was a good idea for a character to chop their dick off.
Hardly anyone is even acknowledging the possibility. The fuss is SJWs think Rin is trans and are screaming it from the rooftops while slandering Atlus.
I do too, but plenty of anons argue otherwise, despite Nippon in general probably not buying into the genital mutilation meme.
But do you really think Atlus would do that?
There's a nip word for this. I only heard it once, and then many months later recalled it clearly out of no where, but now it escapes me. What do you call the visible skin on a girl's thighs between her skirt and her stockings?
>Zettai Ryouiki, meaning ABSOLUTE Territory
It sounds just as intense as that ~~webm~~ mp4.
The only times I've ever seen the surgery brought up in nip media mostly porn, they eiyher just got tits, or it was a girl getting dick. Never once have I heard of mutilated benis from them.
Trannies as in transvestites and transexuals that are shemales or chicks with dicks are not a new thing. Trannies as in open wound between your legs is fairly new phenomenon. At least, the latter was never part of any discussion I've ever seen up until recent years.
I thought it was supposed to be somewhat better as long as they have enough fat to redistribute? How is it worse than shoving foreign objects into and open wound for the rest of your life? Spoiler gory details for offtopic.
Oh fuck.
Pretty sure I've seen it, but didn't see anything involving the arm. Surgery in general is grotesque, but I'm about 70% sure a chick dick looks better after healing than an open wound, seeing as the open wound doesn't heal.
Yes. Disgusting. But still better than an open wound.
>second image
You sure that ain't a fattass with a microdick getting an enlargement?
This is my fault.
Anon, hentai is fiction. The real world does not necessarily apply or even do so often.
Your own fault for being a weak willed faggot unable to focus purely on the glorious 2D before you.
Anon, your waifu chooses you.
This "le harry potter reference amirite?" tier cringe. since when did fags get assblasted by the word cringe? It's been used for ages before SJWs began using it. Stop letting them co-opt language.
Well I mean. They probably get the same psychological pleasure a woman gets from pegging a guy. It's almost certainly outweighed though, by the terrible feeling of not really feeling their dick or feeling horrible pain in their literal gash.
They look for it almost everywhere, but especially places with an active and growing influence on the normalfag sphere, like anime.
It's from an 80s anime called boku no off the top of my head.
>Japanese Garfield
I thought we were responsible for the deaths of thousands of poor trans people because we are also responsible for paying the Russians to hack the election in favor of drumpf?
Merry Kurisumasu!
From what I've heard and from seeing the first 20 minutes or so,
>Orcs are niggers
>Elves are rich whitey
But they don't jump straight into the leftist koolaid and take an "issues are more complicated" stance to make a supposedly controversial subject noncontroversial.
We ancap now?
Nice archive feggit.
>Half satan
Come on wrestlefag. Could not be both and identityfag and retarded on Christmas?