Pretty sure anon meant this piece of garbage who worked with shitty remakes like the edgy Power/Rangers reboot. Anything this Pajeet is involved in is guaranteed to be edgy garbage, such as castlevania. Warren Ellis is also a hack, though, reminder that he wrote the god awful Marvel Animes. Guy is hit or miss.
>One scene shows that the father was bad!
>So it's pro-religion!
This shit argument was used many times when the damn thing came out and was debunked every time. The church itself is responsible for all the massacre there, the problem is not how they depict religion, since there's also the holy water scene, but how they depict the church
>The church is all corrupted, sir
>Believing in god is good but not the church
>The church thinks all scientists are bad
>Dracula is a Fedora Tipper scientist
>tips fedora