What genres of music is castlevania?
And I mean all of castlevania. The sweet organ tracks, the manly upbeat pump up tracks, the insanely classy SoTN ones and the spoopy ones like the abandoned mines one.
What genres of music is castlevania?
And I mean all of castlevania. The sweet organ tracks, the manly upbeat pump up tracks, the insanely classy SoTN ones and the spoopy ones like the abandoned mines one.
I know it's a remix but it's greato.
Anon it's almost the new year, can't we all enjoy a cup of some hot chocolate and talk about video games instead of shitposting?
Most likely they'll meet grant they'd better meet grant and start trekking their way to Big D's ~~crib~~ castle.
What would a Castlevania set in Detroit be like?
Here's another hint. Those titles are the dark souls of puzzles.