Deus vult IS faith.
The source of corruption are failed individuals. Not the organization or faith.
The cartoon portrait the church itself as the source of corruption. It is anti-Christianity as a whole, portraiting the main christian group as corrupt, and good people are only good when AWAY from said group.
Yes, we should.
See fags and other abominations. They are killed for their choices, as it should be.
also: "someone that we don't like", in the game equals to THE Lord of Darkness that curses the land, suck blood from people and summons demons, undead, Death itself to ruin the lives of innocent people. Yes, it WAS the right thing to kill any woman that had an affair with Dracula.
You said the 101 Fedora tipping leftist text right there in your post.
You ARe a shitborn leftist. A failed being.
Christianity IS good by itself, as is any religion that giver purpose and practical (and yes, killing failed beings IS practical) teachings to people.
Science vs religion? Yeah. Fedora leftist found.
Science can question anything.
But no one can defame the faith in Christianity and live long.
Questioning for the sole purpose of defaming is what got those (((scientists))) burned alive. True science does not fight faith. It works along with it.
You don't like to be judged and "burned alive" by functional humans for being a failed waste, snowflake? Too bad. Life is not for you, nor will you enjoy it.
The moment that those "people" (they aren't) defame the practical teachings of said faith, they ceased to be innocent and it IS ok to burn them alive.
Faith is about following ideals and self-improving at the same time as eliminating failures that devalue humanity as a whole.
Teachings that lead people that way are good and practical and not to "prove" anything. Just to guide so people avoid being failures as leftists and other shitborns.