they will never let us have it, anon
MTG shenanigans
>People Stalking My Wife & Even Worse (If You Can Imagine It) Bully Busters 002 - TheQuartering (20:07)
>What Would The Absence Of Net Neutrality Look Like For The Games Industry?
>Mega-Gaming Forum NeoGAF Is Dying A Painful Death Following Owner's Sexual Assault Allegations
Neofag traffic sunk and now Resetfag has half of Neofag's at their peak. Nothing else pretty much
LW's pitybux is going down though. She still have the book and the kikestarter game money but she used to make more and have less responsibilities. She will try some shit soon (the Landis thing was just a sample)
what did she mean by that
She did already with Eron. She'll probably avoid badmouthing any other former partners to avoid her shady past become public
u wat
we barely scratched the surface, there's much more hidden under the carpet
what a bitch
>thread started 2 days ago
>still hasn't reached 700 posts
I guess it's truly the end
I guess you are right
>By the way, is Nier Automata good? Thinking of getting that on sale. I heard it's a good comfy game to have mindless fun with.
It's number 2 in Kepkek's top 10 list