Anonymous ID: 497081 Dec. 28, 2017, 3:57 p.m. No.14060825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm sure I'm slow in making this analysis (With many people probably also saying it), but after watching the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars series, I figured out that I can summarize the problems with the new Disney films into three simple words: "It is fanfiction." Aside from Rei being a Mary Sue, you also come to acknowledge to none of the "main characters" in the new films face any "real danger" and are always saved by other characters or "plot conveniences" (Aside from the purple-haired woman, but I'll get to that. Also, I think one of the "last minute" changes Disney made to RO before they released it is to have everyone die with the original version of the script probably having only 1 or 2 die), known characters are only brought back for one reason and then "leave" when they outlive their usefulness, the films do everything they can "relive" the "best moments" of the other films making it simply a slideshow of "Hey remember when they did this? Let's do that again!" (We all know they're reusing the same story, but this is more specific to that point), and the only reason anyone actually "dies" is that it is to make it seem like a "high stakes game" but they also have the least amount of character development making their death almost meaningless and are treated by the rest of the characters as this "great tragedy".


However, that being said, the Lucas films are not "masterpieces" themselves (The dialog, Jar Jar), but they might as well be today since they actually require the viewer to watch the films tell a story about a space war in a "Time long ago in a galaxy far away" and all of the politics, deception, romance, brotherhood, and loss that people faced in the conflict. Meanwhile, what do the new films have? Remnant factions from an "already finished" war still fighting for some supposed "control" of the galaxy because "reasons" demand it and losing people on both sides for very little reason. Arguably, in the original trilogy, the Rebels were not fighting for control, they were just fighting because they were not happy with the Empire and were telling them to "Fuck off". And, you do see the Empire pull off some evil shit like killing people needlessly, and throwing their ultimate authority around (In addition to blowing up planets). Meanwhile the First Order just blow up a system, and that's the only evil thing they do (Everything else is just to fight the people involved in their petty war, or get the Tr8tor).


Oh well, enough time talking about Star Wars. It's come, it's gone, we all know it's bad, and all we can do is hope people don't repeat the same mistakes in future projects.

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