She has been a known retard for a long time who spergs out over anyone who disagrees with her or proves her wrong.
A lot of people go retarded on twitter due to thirst and building up some unwarranted ego due to an identity.
Apparently Giant Bomb was sperging out about Cuphead and Horizon being racist. The worst part is that people will defend it.
I have noticed people trying to shill Resetera everywhere. It gets constantly posted on steam, youtube, etc for any story regarding gaming news. It is always just a repost too.
Didn't his book come out with another company though?
Alright. I did not know about the self-publish thing.
Kind of offtopic, but did Vaatividya do something retarded again? More people seem to be calling out how he steals shit all the time and a ton of fanboys seem to be popping up to defend him.