>not want a cute blonde fallen angel
You stay away from loli anila, chicken
still a few days before the year end, and KMR will take advantage of every hour of them
fuck off with that cuckchan shit
Grandefest with DAO until the 31st
>Does that mean no legfest?
Legfest usually starts on the 31st, and this ends on the 31st
nah, we still have the zodiac to show up for new years
yes, grandefest has 6% rate up, the same as legfest. Grandefest is the (usually)midmonth legfest now
no. I'm not the reroll anon
who'd you spark? Olivia?
Also, you only have to survive not getting a double up tomorrow, as you can save your draw on the 31st for dogfest
first off, do you have a ygg summon?
Get the ygg sword, staff and bow (ayer will benefit from that enmity) in in place of those fire, light and dark weapons. Also get the earth ex sword in there in place of the last earth ex weapon
Olivia's ougi
4 new characters in tomorrow's legfest. 3 SSR and 1 SR.
Vajra will stay in the pool until the January 18th, if anyone is crazy enough to roll outside legfest.
Event Zeta is light as was previewed. A HL event raid boss is in the event too, coming in on January 3rd.
don't know yet. They mentioned that it was mahira's last appearance last legfest, but they didn't mention anila. She may make random appearances. More surprising is a lack of andira, who should be coming back this year.
so the society is nazis. The sjw translators may change her name for the english version since they get so triggered by merry christmas
Uncap art
>but you can use Septian Burner on a Hermit with Choke to farm Angel Halo.
Just use mystic
I wonder if magna 2 will make them more relevant.
long hair vajra is best vajra
you can hear her say puppy anyway. These translator fucks are to the point of changing english words
The divine generals used to be a crew like the juutenshus? The lead divine general is a retired ara?