I'm not seeing Anila in there with the Legfest characters, does that mean she won't be available?
it's a grand weapon, so it might be at some point when it gets its 4th uncap, so be sure not to reduce it.
grind twin elements
Septian Burner and Snowflake are both supposedly 3* at sl10, while Oliver is 5%, but you can use Septian Burner on a Hermit with Choke to farm Angel Halo.
not everyone has an hl grid and can oneshot everything with mc
I mean, you can probably oneshot every angel with mc with a pre hl fire grid, but not while having white rabbit+kaguya summons and with a dead weight trick stick on your grid.
Can I upgrade my Zhuque katana to Regus even if I already 4* it?