Shame she's breaking the law to do so. Hopefully, she'll get sued for this.
Shame she's breaking the law to do so. Hopefully, she'll get sued for this.
Quiz time, real or fake, /v/.
A fire Emblem spoiler. Sorry anon.
A shitty convention where youtubers like Sargon and Lauren Southern were supposed to talk about what they wanted to talk about, but the person running the show had an idea to drive off those wrongthinkers and make the convention all about her SJW buddies, and also used Kraut as a useful idiot to do her bidding
>I want to bring Social Justice back where it belongs ~ Based Momma
Okay then?
Didn't he say "Death Standing" would take aim at the alt right?
Well maybe if you have a mpreg fetish you might enjoy it.
Please tell me you're kidding and that person is staying the fuck away from that board.
Seriously, this fucking freak had a shirtless scene as if I was supposed to find that hot. Not only does his face look weird but his proportions look disgusting as well, like he's a tall dwarf.
Holy shit, good thing they dumped Milo, what would he have gained by staying with them?
>You must source gawker even though you have been calling out Gawker for lying
This is insane, this is some 1984 level shit.
>Earth has a tan
>Trump has /cuteboy/ fanart
Where's fanart of Alex Jones as a /cuteboy/?
>Rightwingers hate it because of the blatant left politics
>Lefties hate it because Apu is in it
>Kids won't watch it because youtube exists
>Adults won't watch it because of it's annoying unfunny humor in the later seasons
It will die eventually.
How about I commission something where he drinks tapwater and transforms, getting slimmer, more effeminate, and cuter the more he drinks? It will end with him getting fucked by PJW. Will that work? I think it will.
Is Hello Neighbor worth buying?
>Post sneks if you're not a bot
here's your (you)
HRT is something to avoid. Wait until they make drugs that turn you into an anime girl instead of using HRT, anon.
I don't care what you do anon. If you're happy doing it and not acting obnoxious about it what do I care? Its forcing this on kids who don't know any better that bothers me. You're right to think it's abuse, because it may have worked well for you but for others it could fuck them up entirely.
Though you should have performed the secret pagan ritual that lets you be a real girl.
>that spoiler
I honestly have no idea who he is.
I think it would be hot to be a girl and get fucked, but I won't ever do this shit.
The audio cut out for me.
Possible second Kraut meltdown incoming
>If you're a little overweight it's better to sleep on your side. Snoring is caused by obstructed airways too.
That explains why I'm the only one in my family who doesn't snore. i'm underweight.
Nothing in particular, I guess being disgustingly fat scares me and I shifted far into the other direction. Not exactly anorexic skinny, but you can see some ribs. It hurts like hell when I sneeze which I think might be a cause of that. Still, eating oily fatty foods makes me want to throw up afterwards, usually I eat chicken and salads.
Usually, seafood on occasion, maybe a steak if i feel like rewarding myself. No chips, no pasta, no deep fried foods, no bacon, and no indian food, the latter because I'm worried a poo in the loo didn't wash their hands before handling it.
Oh, well now I feel dumb No dark meat then
What is it about the internet and people spending time on there developing unusual fetishes?
This is all making my head hurt and is blackpilling me hard.
Holy shit, Destiny admitted to sharing nudes of a 15 year old.
He should find a girl his height insteadโฆ. oh wait.
Oh god, now he's arguing that CP is a good thing. Destiny, what the fuck are you doing?
I really wish he would stop cutting his guest short. It's no wonder Andy has a short fuse dealing with him.
He's a good boy who didn't do anything, he simply has a thing for girls slightly taller than him.
Reading through a list of traits psychopaths have, Destiny seems to fit them to a T.