What happened to that guy in the bottom middle row? His pixiv account was deleted or something.
Wow, thanks a lot anon. I really love girls with stupidly gigantic boobs.
Donte himself is fine. The story says he's an edgy teen who fucks whores and lives in a trailer on the pier, but when you actually play the game it's about this orphan kid with stunted development who doesn't know how adults are supposed to make friends. Donte only does stupid shit to try and impress his long lost brother and squirrel semen girl. Any time he's acting on his own he's just a normal guy.
It's been a pretty long time since I played that game so I just don't know if there's a better reason other than how enslaving all of mankind isn't a nice thing to do.
That guy is pretty good.
There are already so many great girls but human Satyr is super cute, I wanna ruffle her hair. I can't even imagine what's going to happen next.
I'm tired of putting everyone ahead of me and walking on eggshells to keep people happy. This year I'm going to become more confident and assertive and I'm going to put myself first. I'm going to be racist and sexist and selfish and play Limbo with a max range build.