Have a Happy New Year!
It protects them from the pozz.
From what I've seen, they find him amusing.
They see Trump as "The funny President" and many are simply surprised that a "rich comedian" became leader of the free world and they are practically seeing this as something humorous. They like him, but for different reasons.
Tokyo represents Japan like LA represents the US. That city is metropolitan garbage. The real Japan is not in Tokyo.
They need to get redpilled. Many Japs went insane after visiting Paris and having their expectations broken. Japs need to be shown Paris and London and be told what Marxism and multiculturalism does to a country.
>What do you mean? Were they shocked that place is becoming a slum?
Yeah. They mentally broke down when the Japanese tourists realized that it isn't the city of love they romanticized about. It's called Paris Syndrome.
We should use this as fuel to redpill the East Asians on what multiculturalism and immigration does to a country. This should be top priority.
They think GG is long dead and we are all zombies. They hate zombies.
I hear that they are genetically close to Arabs, though I'm not sure. So I guess they are sandniggers with white admixture.
We should do digging on our own. Maybe there's a lot of pizza niggers in indie circles, "journalism" and in companies with SJWs.
The vidya industry is probably suspicious too.
There could be more pedos working in vidya and in vidya journalism we don't know about.
Orcs are Turks/Mongolians.
Orcs are Asiatics.
They're more competent than niggers.
Oni are the Japanese. I'm talking about Turks and Mongols being Orcs.
>Implying Niggers are as competent as Orcs
Tolkein made them after Turks and Mongol hordes. Asiatic barbarians.
They do. Also If Hylians are an allusion to Elves, then Ganon and the Moblins are allusions to Orcs.
Read the thread, I already replied with >>14073949
>Vampire crusader girl impaled orcs.
That is actually pretty accurate. It's usually the Felixfags.