Agreed. I mean she even met Rex before Homura did.
I had a few things spoiled mostly because i opened spoilered images and text so it was my own fault really.
>It was a nice sendoff to the year but now I feel sad that it ended.
I beat it about a week ago. I stopped playing for about two days from post game depression but i got back into it and started finishing quests and maxing blades skill trees. I still have only Newt left to get. I'm still not playing it like i did when i first got it though, back then i would spend maybe 30 minutes doing anything other the xenoblade and then spent the 16-20 hours playing it, That went on for a week or two. Now I'm playing for may 6-8 hours on a good day even though i could still be playing 16-20 hours.
No bully!
I haven't noticed any difference between loot drops between salvage points within a specific region. Only differnce i can tell is the input button prompts.
Never ever!
Just, like, kill monsters. Quests are great for exp too, don't forgot to sleep at the in to get it though.
Leftheria. I struggled through the left path even once i was 5 levels above them when i came back to the area after advancing the plot further. Just go thru the left or run past everything on the right.
The best items for raising trust are the Veg & Oyster Aspic (Veggie) and Fragrant Samod Stralu (Meat) both are found in Fonsett.
They both raise trust by 18 and cost only 180 gold each. You can also carry 40 of them compared to the 33 max you can carry of Noponcho which raises trust by 21 and cost 865 gold. That means Noponcho costs 28,545 for 33 and raises trust by 693 while Veg & Oyster Aspic and Fragrant Samod Stralu cost 7,200 for 40 and raises trust by 720. It goes by much quicker and costs much much less.
This info is from the google doc in the OP and here is the specific page with the data.