Your explanation on brain halfs makes perfect sense, holy shit. I didn't think of that. However, I think Malos cared about Amalthus, but in a weird way. After all, he does outright say he will end it all because that's what Amalthus wants. He probably went away not to bond with him too much, as it'd make achieving the goal too hard, especially considering his driver was a good guy who always tried to do the best and help people out at that point and even a bit later, he simply had bad thoughts he ignored. Amalthus would've definitely tried to persuade him had he not just decided to go away and merely voiced his opinion, so Malos avoided that by escaping. It's as if he feared being convinced.
>strong healer
She's knuckle with all three of her yellows impacting damage and combos, she's more of an attacker in a healer class to lower aggro, just like Adenine. Nim's is decent, has a good niche and she isn't Dahlia or Dromarch, but she isn't Kora or Floren to be the best. Besides that, you have good taste since you don't like her design. You don't goof things up like that anon above.