Overall I think so, judging by the goons reaction alone I'd say we won to an extent. As for Nintendo, monolith had alot of backlash over XCX even with cucktacos mudding the conversation and making normalfags think that the bust slider was removed from linn and not the MC. But looking how goons were screeching extra loud over XC2, I am hoping that monolith doesn't listen to them and cuck out for he next game. We have to see who and how the next mainline fire emblem game is localized as TD started with fates, I am surprised we pulled it off judging how cucked the FE community currently is.
NoJ is reportly more welcoming of mature games
now according to an interview with senran's takaki so maybe they saw the backlash over fates, tms and XCX building up and decided to do something about it. Also I think that seeing that how Halloween nowi and Christmas tharja wasn't censored in that mobile is also a good sign.