>tfw I had a fairly pleasant discussion with one of those rare sane trannies out there, but then a bunch of legbeards jumped into the thread and dogpiled me, ruining the mood.
These people are braindead. They think they know everything, but actually know jack shit.
It does, actually. One of the qualifications for a simple mental affliction becoming a disease is that it has to negatively impact your ability to function in a normal life.
In other words, you can think/do whatever, as long as it doesn't fuck up your ability to function. That's the line between sane and insane.
Does getting (((circumcised))) or your ears pierced make you insane? They're lesser degrees of body mutilation.
I saw a single tweet from the thread RTed by a hentai account I follow. I disagreed with their premise and replied to it with my opinion.
Just follow different kinds of people, basically. The "randos" are the people that get RTed into your feed.
>implying some nobody bluehairs with 200 followers are worth archiving
Come on now. I'm borderline shitposting here.