>Be at work earlier today
>The thought pops into my head, "How long until SJWs start calling Ugandan Knuckles racist?"
>MFW this
Some days I think I should just stop thinking, cuz shit always seems to manifest into reality.
>Be at work earlier today
>The thought pops into my head, "How long until SJWs start calling Ugandan Knuckles racist?"
>MFW this
Some days I think I should just stop thinking, cuz shit always seems to manifest into reality.
Funny enough, I've had it since even before Gamergate started.
>2013 or thereabouts
>College class working on game design documents because I fell for that meme
>One of groups does a game where you play as a young girl and try to get a cop to believe your testimonies by basically using emotion to convince him
>My thought upon learning about their project was "Gee, I wonder how people will spin this as sexist" As an added bonus, the group lead was actually a girl
>Eventually have all the game summaries "reviewed" by some guy who worked for Zynga or something like that, had a definite Numale look to him in hindsight
>Was unironically saying how sexist it was, although he sugarcoated it
Back then, the college had a close partnership with them. They'd regularly come on campus to try to get new interns.
I ended up getting a shirt from one of those events, which I promptly donated to charity.
Ugandan Knuckles Edition?