<How to tell someone is a faggot in one post
False, don't do things of which you cannot recuperate from.
I'm a white guy. I've been hired because some gay guy recommended me, to this day I don't know if he was checking me out or if he genuinely needed my work or both. I've heard straight from the boss he wants more diversity, so my looks may saved me this time but all this talk about companies being there just to make money is fucking bullshit, this is a small company and it's all ideologically taken for no fucking reasoning. Never will they explain why having to repeat your sentence twice because of the differing accents is great, or the numerous syntax errors in writing, or lack of understanding, common background, etc. We got a Jew and a Coptic Christian and they are seriously trying to hire a Muslim, one guy even suggested to the Coptic Christian to go in mosques to advertise our product, Coptic Christians flee Egypt to get as far away from Muslims violence and this old fucker think everyone is getting along.
I have enough on my hand to battle the advances of foreign chicks seeking white cock adventures. I'd go full AJ Styles if he ever tried.
I'm working with computers and I didn't even studied computer science, to be honest I should take upon myself to beat in skill every comp sci fags I meet. Don't drift, improve, seek, be jealous, anything to not lose momentum, you can learn almost anything by yourself if you learn to learn by yourself, teach a man how to fish etc…