Want me to give you a hint? so is above the pedo's bed as is below the exec's desk.
You dont go radical either way, strong personalities, unless you are a 9/10 or more do not work well in relationships, unless the other persons a doormat.
Man, sending people to their death should be a manslaughter charge though thats only with the word "unknowingly" and I doubt they dont know that christians ate hated to death in mudshit countries
The only thing I like about india is the food, and only when I make it.
Because jews thrive and profit in the chaos. Homogeny is antithetic to jews.
They make money selling the means to have the incompatable tribes the means to kill eachother.
The thing is, most of the spices are found in china and other asian countires too, the mix method is the only thing that indians have and even then I doubt chinks never figured it out themselves.
Diversity laws are being forced through, it wont implode, instead it will go like this
>nice company
>good profits
>too bad for the lack of non whites/women
>we are arresting you and seizing your assets and ownership of ideas
>here we will give it to this homogenous non white/female company while you rot in prison
And if you dont believe me check out what is happening in canadas law systems.
Why do you think I said "when I make it"? Though I can extend that to "when places with strict health codes make it".
Meh, celebs giving themselves awards to trick normalfags into thinking they have value as human beings who totally dont take part in a human trafficing ring.
I hope so, but remember neocons cut their noses to spite the whites.
Its a heat different from straight up peppers.
All I can tell you is its seasoning and people like indian style seasoning.
Indeed, I found a tasty buttermilk ghost pepper sauce and its the only really strong hot sauce that has a good flavor. Pure heat with shit flavor makes me mad, at that point id rather flavor with little to no heat.
Wearing that while also wearing silver and diamonds, she like all of hollyjew speaks big but is a liar.
Globally and locally yes. And there are less programs to help impovershed men.
A reader/host would be the best of both worlds you autist, especially if they could get an android apk to work
Each muslim country is its own beast anon, just like each european and american country, and the ones fucking around with whites are minorly iranian at best. The ones who fuck with whites the most are saudis turks pakis and syrians. Pakis are the worst thanks to anglocuck politicans helping them traffic children as slaves in my eyes. Iran with it trying to overthrow its extremist religious gov is in its own state right now, but banning english will hinder jews taking advantage a bit to make a new puppet gov.
Its why I started looking up shit like preserving food and trapping since I would probably make a shit hunter.
Someone needs to replace einstein, he would have endorsed the shit today. Hell, oppenhimer, despite being a kike would have been a better choice.
I know.
Gordon is a great guy, provided you are humble towards him and own up to you mistakes. hes probably a good dad.