Percival is great, especially for a fearbot.
Sure, but what I'm saying is that both Aoidos and Sturm generally don't out damage him.
I can't keep his buff up even if I triple attack all the time. Would you be able to show me what you're doing to keep it going?
I guess it looks comparable the 1/5th of the time you're able to get hype 4 when you also give Aoidos a bunch of other buffs.
I've tried this a few times now and its dropped every time. I guess it could work if I triple attacked 100% of the time.
For my tests I used 2 athena spears an atma sword and agni/agni. I guess if his EMP passive activated it would have allowed him to keep his hype up, but that only has a 5% chance to activate.
I was using the trial fight. I'll go try it on Garuda or something.
That would be because Gamewith's tier list is complete shit.
She seems pretty weak to me.
Someone got to the final step for making The Sun.