With your team comp, try aoidos or sturm. Both of them can hit more than percy-chan.
I meant for 3rd slot.
You can effortlessly maintain hype 4(100% unique mod) with Aoidos with xeno axe and an atma in your grid, Sturm also gets stronger as the fight goes on with hot headed, not much(50% unique mod). The thing with Percival is that his damage boost has a really shitty uptime of 3/8 while Sturm and Aoidos can maintain good damage after 3~4 turns until the fight ends or they die.
As seen in the image, Aoidos does roughly the same damage as percy with his buff.
Turn 1: use all his skills and ougi with xeno axe mh.
T2: attack.
T3: ougi with aoidos and whomever else.
T4: ougi with mc and whomever else. aoidos should have hype 4 already, 3 if unlucky.
T5: attack.
T6: ougi with aoidos and whomever else, if possible don't ougi with mc. (hype 4 if unlucky, +2 turns of hype4)
T9: ougi or use his 1st skill.
T12: ougi.
Repeat ad infinitum. Remember to keep an eye out for when his passive procs as it gives you more two turns to gain charge bar for his ougis or use his first.
Do you have atma? it became possible to keep his hype at 4 only after having it and his passive emp maxed out.
Are you testing it at trial battles or normal fights? his aggro also generates plenty charge bar.
antique twig 0* is better than a colo cane flb man.
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