Cute girl team to stave off killing myself during GW
you can buy one egg a month with prestige pendants. That's how I got most of mine
They buffed the token droprate, so it should be easier than before. Here's the token ratio to meat, ap and ep.
On day 4 and 5 just mass join raids as you can farm faster by wanpanning with 3 clients and the ep ratio for nm100 is the best.
Best GW girl
counter is an enmity trigger, like with xeno sagi
GWs too easy. gg.
Check em
New main story
She won't stop being lewd
SR autoing including Grea and Lucius capping with no buffs
not anymore
>day 3 finals
>top 20k already at 100 million
Shiva was a mistake
you can get aliza from a side story, but besides that you will need to get lucky with the gacha. There will be a narmaya event at some point this year, so you will get a free version of her then
>For all we know we can end up with Octo SR.
I doubt that. The jutenshus are in a unique spot. If they made an sr version of one they'd probably have to make an sr of the rest. There could be a new character introduced for the event, but naru is pretty popular, so it makes sense to make her the character
she might get both like with the cag and yuel event
The fastest way to 40 box
save crystals for the mid month grandefest, or end of month legfest when the draw rates go up to 6%. You can spend rupies whenever you want. The only thing you need to save them for is what you need to spend them on (ie uncapping characters, weapons, and summons).
It doesn't take too long to get back up to chapter 8 if any of the characters in his list interest you. If that anon did the new years event on each account, then you will get last years zodiac too
How about loli titty monsters?
Finally finished. Almost got to top 1k
Haunglong EEBE9442
Rerun Event has started.
They accidentally uploaded the zoeey event info before quickly taking it down. You can get the old sr zodiacs
>wrist mounted gun
I was born into the SR poverty. Molded by it. I didn't see an SSR until I was already a man.
Characters with a red outline are event characters to give a sense of time.
Arcarum chests can drop double weapons. Now the race begins for the first double chev sword drop
you'll get heaps later on, so don't worry about it too much, but if you really need to unlock a class right now, you can always trade some bronze moons for some.
Dark fencer is best for soloing. The archer line is good for rain of arrows 3, which combined with miserable mist will hit the attack down cap. Saber and priest are good to have for raids, too.