Where do I put custom scripts and hud? I tried placing them in tf2vintage/custom/cfg, but they didn't seem to load.
Actually figured it out. It's been at least 3 years since I've played but since this is 2007 it used pre-steampipe update filepaths so the class.cfg and autoexec.cfg go directly into the cfg folder instead of into custom. Custom seems to work with the huds though but it's going to be hard finding a pre-inferno update hud since valve broke all of them and they kind of fell off the internet.
What weapons eventually get added when the time comes? Just those pre-manconnomy? That means that the ones that are in are-
BlutsaugerKritzkriegÜbersawBackburnerFlare GunAxtinguisherNataschaSandvichKilling Gloves of BoxingForce-A-NatureBonk! Atomic Punch!SandmanHuntsmanRazorbackJarateAmbassadorDead RingerCloak and DaggerScottish ResistanceChargin' TargeEyelanderDirect HitBuff BannerGunboatsEqualizerPain TrainHomewrecker Dalokohs BarCrit-a-ColaScotsman's SkullcutterTribalman's ShivFrontier JusticeWranglerGunslingerSouthern Hospitality
Some important ones we miss out on are going to be
Rocket Jumper Sticky JumperGRUDegreaserUlapool CaberCrusader's CrossbowTomislavAtomizerMarket GardenerOriginalWidowmakerYour Eternal RewardSpyciclePhlogBeggar's BazookaLoch n' LoadPanRescue Ranger
Some of the ones that make it in I don't really agree with and I'll really feel the loss of others. There are certain horrible offenders what were either wildly overpowered during their time or completely fuck up the class balance. If it were up to me the only weapons that would make it in would be the ones that introduce new mechanics without fucking up balance or being redundant. I think it would look like this.
Crusader's CrossbowKritzkriegÜbersawFlare GunSandvichHuntsmanJarateAmbassadorDead RingerC&DYERTargeEyelanderGunboatsWranglerRocket JumperSticky JumperUlapool CaberMarket GardenerOriginalPan
What do you guys think?
Is that pacific treefrog yours?! I've been wanting one for so long. They're so hard to find.
Demoknight is not going to be a thing but razorback/shiv is fine because fuck spies and class counters right? Bonk! is balanced and not just fucking annoying on CP maps? Demoknight falls too outside of class lines, but the pain train which gives soldier the advantage of scout is fine? You think demoknight is cancer but mini-sentries and the natascha are super cool fun-allowed? What?
Also the crossbow is good weapon. Hell of a lot better than throwing around a bunch of impossible to see projectiles in a game with shit hit-detection in the hope that you can unlock its magical second-highest dps in the game. The syringe-gun is not fun to use and even less fun the play against. Crossbow at least introduces some elements of skill and allows for clutch cross the map heals. It's also easier to play against since you can actually see the projectile you're dodging and pyros can airblast it.
Excellent attitude to have when your game has as low a population as it does.