I'm not strong enough to farm nightmare awoos for the gun/bow but I did manage to 3 a dagger. How important is it that I get it to 4, is it worth getting 120 more animas?
That's good to hear because I'm tired of getting animas. I started to do fenrir to get some crystals and got this on the second level 60 nightmare I did.
>minimum daily 10-100 draws
Does this happen every December? I started playing again in January so I don't really know what I missed out on, which sucks because I don't have that many characters.
The suffering will stop some day.
Well shit now I feel bad for not logging in when that happened.
Would you?
I rolled a 10 draw and 11 single tickets and only got valentine Narmaya. Draph titties are better than nothing I guess.
You shouldn't be surprised that the meme translators changed 留学前夜 into that.