Yes, I don't know if this will make any sense but I wanted to meet new people, experience new laughs, hear new stories, that kind of thing
I still love you guys, no homo yet a little bit homo
Crew 3
Thank you stranger
No, it was added in a few months ago, check the wiki or ingame to see which ones do
>Is she rare
The "rare" characters are the one's only obtainable during a certain time during the month and the new years zodiacs
List of "rare" characters listed below in gbf.wiki link
>or good
check the gbf.wiki tier list, written by autists for autists, mostly shit opinions but gives a quick gestalt on "is this character good"
>That name just makes you all look like a bunch of toddlercons
I get where you're coming from but this crew the anon is proposing is for people who want to hug n' fug the potato's
There are no cute named potato dishes
Tater-tots because they're small, look appetizing, and are delicious
Just like Harvins :^)
Hash Browns?
Chips n' Dip?
Baked Potato?
I say go with Tater-Tots, if it gives off a pervy vibe then it shows just who is in the crew is all
There's also Potato Cake, an Irish dish
Potato Juice?
Stop making me want to use my crystals anon
Potato is just a generic term for short races from fantasy games as their 3D models make them look like a potato