One I finish leveling up valkyrie I'll have finished row 3 classes. The next step is the extra classes right? Which ones are the most useful/the ones I should get first? The ones I have available right now are drum master, samurai, ninja, and alchemist.
>Rolled Bea, Zeta, and Black Knight when I started
>Months of suffering as I tried to build a dark grid
>I can consistently mvp the Yugu/Tiamat/Colossus/Leviathan magnas that I host now
I know I'm only scratching the tip of the iceberg, but it sure feels good.
On a different note, celeste/chev magna seem to be retardedly hard compared to the other magnas and I don't know how to fight them. Is it still worth to hosting them even if I can't get mvp?
Now if only the game would give me more characters to use. I only got my third earth character today which let me make make this team of cute girls