Just look at the thread. You're not alone, but most anons with the issues have given up on using the site entirely because it's such a huge pain in the ass. You'd have to be
>have nothing better to do than wait for media.8kun and sys.8kun pages to load &
>put up with having your issues practically ignored for months because it's not a problem for most users
Here some tips.
<To view all thumbnails in a thread, open an image in a new tab and reload it until it works, then immediately reload the thread and hope the site servers don't fuck up simultaneously
<To view a video file, attempt to download it and keep retrying until you stop getting network errors
<To post, open any sys.8kun.top page like the presolve captcha or board log until they work, then immediately make your post
<Do not try uploading large files, as the window of functionality may close during uploading
Shit's fucked. I had quit using 8kunny for a while, but Julay /v/ was full of shitposting, Julay /hgg/ was dead, and Julay /delicous/ was run by a faggot. For now I've just given up on using anything other than the GG and meta threads, and occasionally one or two others.