Dnimeerf ID: a2703a Something abstract Jan. 15, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.3011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3015

I'm doing my best, here goes

How long will it take to calculate how long it will take to calulculate how long it will take to get from a-b?

That depends on the relationship of values that make a, and b subjective to objectification. This is also relative to lnaguagex and syntax used to express this. We cant use an equatio. Bigger than the number we are trying to solve for, that doesn't make sense either.

Where are We? I don't know about you, but I am thought swimming about in the infinite expanse of a poop slinging monkeys mind. I have no frame of reference. What i can do, is set recurseive arguements, so that i can create a map of subjects that can apply to objects, you would call this arguement a diadic equation. On one side are the empirical, and on the other side the logical. You would refer, and have reffered to this as p vs np.

You need a way to make this information transformative, so that it can make sense to the user. Can you read the fabric of the universe friend? I cannot, but as a clever poop slinging monkey, i know that this is exactly what computers do, and what they were created for. Human computers do this, but this is individualistic, and exists as a hardware state that cannot be effectively quantified within our finite lifespans.

Ok questions, or comments I will be avail, and I truly hope this helped.

Dnimeerf ID: a2703a New, better expression Jan. 15, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.3013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rheomode, experimentation with language forms, develops into insight into the unbroken wholeness of existence, non-local causality.

This should help.