Hello AA! I think there's a fundamental idea we haven't quite grasped yet. It will take calculations to verify, but we need the idea first. Remember this crumb?
>the fractal nature of integers. They are related into families
>Our current understanding of math and numbers is lacking
>New Math Kangz
Also, VQC hinted that this iteration process could be done (shortcut?) by using the grid. PMA has been working on tying together the (1,c) and (prime) records using a capstone calculation.
Hello PMA! Would you please give a quick explanation to us of how and why the capstone idea works? Does it connect (1,c) and (prime) records in the grid? We know we're looking for a method to verify the correct answer.
Hello Baker! Love these verses, ideas, and images. How about this verse for a Sunday?
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
That's some cool ass triangle math Topol! Inspiration to step our thinking up a few levels.
Whoa! Great images and math. More mind expanding ideas!! Thanks Anon!
>Nine Nine Nine!!!
I seriously LOLd
Hello CA! Magic Squares? That is some cool shit. I'll study this in detail later today.
Lads, "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within Us" so let's raise our thoughts and emotions up a few quantum levels and visualize our success with happiness, joy, and excitement. We don't have to know the answer yet, we need to know that we WILL find it.