Hey Topol,
Here are the grid records for your spreadsheets. c, prime solution, P, and p.
c = 155147
(698,77181,197) = {698:77181:393:392:1:155147} = 155147; f=89; (x+n)=77573; u=38786; (d+n)=77574
(698,1281,174) = {698:1281:393:346:47:3301} = 155147; f=89; (x+n)=1627; u=813; (d+n)=1674
(52,1594,29) = {52:1594:57:56:1:3301} = 3301; f=63; (x+n)=1650; (d+n)=1651
(11,18,3) = {11:18:6:5:1:47} = 47; f=2; (x+n)=23; u=11; (d+n)=24
c = 7430551
(4926,3712551,1363) = {4926:3712551:2725:2724:1:7430551} = 7430551; f=525; (x+n)=3715275; u=1857637; (d+n)=3715276
(4926,51,238) = {4926:51:2725:474:2251:3301} = 7430551; f=525; (x+n)=525; u=262; (d+n)=2776
(52,1594,29) = {52:1594:57:56:1:3301} = 3301; f=63; (x+n)=1650; (d+n)=1651
(42,1079,24) = {42:1079:47:46:1:2251} = 2251; f=53; (x+n)=1125; u=562; (d+n)=1126
AND, I just noticed something quite remarkable.
Take the various (x+n) values from the c=7430551 as an example.
a=2251 (x+n)=1125
b=3301 (x+n)=1650
(x+n) diff = 1650 - 1125 = 525
(x+n) from the prime solution record = 525!!!!!!
Holy cow:
here's c = 6107
(23,2976,39) = {23:2976:78:77:1:6107} = 6107; f=134; (x+n)=3053; u=1526; (d+n)=3054
(23,36,24) = {23:36:78:47:31:197} = 6107; f=134; (x+n)=83; u=41; (d+n)=114
(1,85,7) = {1:85:14:13:1:197} = 197; f=28; (x+n)=98; (d+n)=99
(6,11,3) = {6:11:5:4:1:31} = 31; f=5; (x+n)=15; u=7; (d+n)=16
a=31 (x+n) = 15
b=197 (x+n) = 98
(x+n) diff = 98 - 15 = 83
(x+n) from the prime solution record = 83!!!!!!
>The 'heart' of the problem is that breaking the problem down involves two sets of triangle solving (otherwise it is prime), with one set of triangles (say half of the eight) working on a triangular problem that is one unit longer than the other set.
Is this the 2 triangle iteration?!?!?!?!?!?!
So one of the prime numbers has an odd (x+n), the other prime number has an even (x+n), but an odd (d+n). We can iterative search on both records at the same time. And the difference between the 2 small squares is our prime solution!