From the first two threads:
Columns contain all products that have the same remainder e. The number of factors a number has determines how many times it shows up in a given column (if it’s prime, once; if it’s a semiprime, twice; if it has three prime factors, three times, and so on).
Row one contains cells which contain all factors for each column (na and nb are n apart (at a[t] and a[t+n])
a[t+n]-a[t]%n==0. These values represent na and nb of any c. If you pick any two cells in (e,1) and subtract the lower from the higher, the result will be divisible by the gap in t values. Sometimes this will produce a result that means b is less than a, so it is not always 100% valid.
The cells that have elements have a finite number of "seed" elements that are the lowest values of c (a multiplied by b) in that cell, from which all the rest of the elements in that cell can be constructed (since values of a increase by a+2x+2n from a seed element). Other seed values can be constructed based on the value of -x+2n and depending on the number of factors within n for any given cell. There is only one seed element in row one (e,1).