If e is even and f is odd, the t values in the prime solution cell, the an cell in (e,1) and the a(n-1) cell in (f,1) are all equal. If e is odd and f is even, the t values in the prime solution cell and the an cell in (e,1) are equal, and the a(n-1) cell in (f,1) has a t value one greater.
These rules carry over into (f,1). The fact that 2d+1 is odd (and is the gap between (e,1) and (f,1) obviously) means that an will fit either the odd or the even rule and a(n-1) will fit the other (but with f/2 or (f-1)/2 instead of e). If an is equal to twice a square plus e/2, a(n-1) will be equal to two consecutive squares plus (f-1)/2, and vice versa (vice versa with the correct rules I mean).
Also, there are rules to the squares as well. (fyi, I’m using e to describe both e and f. f being added to something is akin to |f| being taken away, since f is negative) In odd e (e,1) cells, the a values are 0+1+(e-1)/2, 1+4+(e-1)/2, 4+9+(e-1)/2, etc, from t=1, t=2, t=3. In even e (e,1) cells, the a values are 0+0+(e/2), 1+1+(e/2), 4+4+(e/2), etc, from t=1, t=2, t=3. So when e is odd, the a values are equal to (t-1)(t-1)+(tt)+(e-1)/2, and when e is even, the a values are equal to 2(t-1)(t-1) + (e/2). This explains why (e,1) has t values starting from 1 while (f,1) has gradually increasing minimum t values. The a value at t=1 in e will be 0 plus something positive. After e=0, it’ll always have a value. The a value at t=1 in f will be 0 plus something negative. The negative value being added will gradually increase as f increases, and as it becomes bigger than each of the squares, it’ll increase the first t value at which there’s a valid (positive) a.
an, bn, BigN, c*BigN and c(c-BigN+1) all appear in (e,1). If e is even, each of these values minus e/2 will be twice a square. If e is odd, each of these values minus (e-1)/2 will be equal to two consecutive squares added together. In all cases, they’ll be different squares, but these squares will all be based around their t values. a(n-1), b(n-1), BigN-1, c(BigN-1) and c(c-BigN+2) are all in (f,1). Same rules.