His whole point has been to make this about the information being public. It's the message, not the messenger. You really should read through all the old threads if you haven't.
I'm sure you're already aware, but since we're using floors of square roots, 2d doesn't equal d of 4c in every case. Here's an example:
c=145, d=12, e=1, 2d=24
4c=580, d=24, e=4, 2d=48
4c=2320, d=48, e=16, 2d=96
4c=9280, d=96, e=64, 2d=192
4c=37120, d=192, e=256, 2d=384
This is where it stops following the pattern.
4c=148480, d=385, e=255, 2d=770
4c=593920, d=770, e=1020, 2d=1540
It then also resets here too.
4c=2375680, d=1541, e=999, 2d=3082
4c=9502720, d=3082, e=3996, 2d=6164
And so on, every time e becomes greater than d.
I thought this sequence could potentially eventually end up with c being a square (there's probably a really obvious reason why it wouldn't do that but whatever), then creating some kind of sequence, but it just seems to go on forever. Pic related.