Thanks! Its great to see you posting more often, and I really appreciate the guidance.
I'm personally very interested in your path VQC. I have so many questions - may I ask a few?
Based on the date of the youtube post, you obviously discovered this years ago - what happened when you first found this solution?
Were you working in university research? NZ, I assume, at the time? How did your peers and superiors respond?
I imagine many people would go very far to get their hands on this. Were you safe, or at risk?
I'm really very curious about your story.
I understand that many of these questions you may not be able to answer. But thank you!
I've read your post GA, still trying to process it into what it means. I'll definitely continue to think on it.
Sorry that I have nothing to add on this at the moment, great post though :)
I couldn't imagine this community without you Topol.
Thanks for defending all of us.
Thank you for your thoughts. I've been here in spirit! But I too missed being part of this math family, I missed you all!