I give you guys presents but I'm not sure anyone opens them.
The only one who takes me seriously is VQC.
I guess it's because I connect dots in a non-linear fashion.
And because I have the barest understanding of the math you guys do.
You guys are amazing.
Seriously. You guys are smart as hell.
But it takes all kinds to complete the puzzle.
I need you.
And you need me.
My "crumbs" will stand the test of time.
Of that I am certain.
My mathematical intuition has never failed me.
I have the box, but not the key.
I cannot open them by myself.
So here are more presents for those anons who wish to open them.
May you find some inspiration!
>https:// medium.com/@thoughttheory/lets-see-how-deep-the-rabbit-hole-goes-9af5f9896941
>http:// archive.is/64L2h
>https:// www.academia.edu/7489568/The_pythagorean_relationship_between_Pi_Phi_and_e