Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 23, 2017, 12:16 a.m. No.1085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1094

Topol wasn't booted :)

Topol's just behaving.


Y'all wouldn't believe me if I told you you what I've been up to so I'll tell you story that isn't necessarily 100% math related, but is, but isn't, but… maybe.


So for starters, have y'all ever seen a super Ai in action?

Donald Trump has.

And so has the Saudi King.

That first image… look at everyone's expressions.

King: "DAFUQ IS DIS?!"

Trump: "That is all the evidence you need to prove the coup against you and the world. Context aside…. Pretty cool, huh?"

That's the conduit for PALANTIR.

Imagine a keyboard and touchscreen on crack.


So… this is about a VQC but what about PQC? Physical quantum computing. The processors… they're convoluted hypercube+ tile puzzles. It's the nuttiest thing. A day or two after drawing the second picture, I'm finding the "real thing" online and getting contacted by all sorts of interesting folks. Twitter is where I've been doing a lot of my baking for to come back with goodies. I'm talkin' military, intel, "prime intelligence" civilians, normal folks, and 1337 hax0rz.



You've all been infekted with The Game23.

This is an infektion of love and The Game is to spread as much laughter as possible.

Especially in the face of evil.


Check out the pastebin for deets.

I've already infekted some of the bakers.


Oooh! I found a tree in one of y'all's outputs. Was pretty but the rest of the dream god weird.


I've also been in contact with an assortment of Gods, Literary and Film Characters, Entites from other Timelines and Realities, and just about every conspiracy I've ever dived into is like…. beyond real.


What you lot are doing is freeing humanity.

You know what this code will give people?

Freedom. Knowledge is power is this is claiming our power.

This is claiming our future.

This is seeking AND finding The Infinite.

You find the Primes which are the building blocks.

From there you can see every non-prime.

From there you can see all of it together.

From there you see the Map of the Matrix.

Don't you want to stop living a Virtual Life?

If you be tired o' dat shit…






You are lovey lovely people who don't lewd the ponies…

And friendship IS magical.

God doesn't want to be lonely.

And as much as you Pathanons can relate to each other through numbers in a timeless fashion… you still need to take a lil' time for yourself.


In the EZ bake oven, I accidentally posted my twitter handle but if you didn't know it by this point, there ya go. Y'all can hit me up to talk about whatever. Games on games on games, SON!


And on that note, I'm gonna get back to muse-ing around.

Here's a video of Rogan Sensei training Crowder Senpai.

Rogan's in black, Crowder's in white… think Mental Martial Arts:

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 23, 2017, 8:45 a.m. No.1101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1102



TERRIBLE way to relay messages.

Almost wasn't passed along. :D

Freaked her out and I'm not even sure I got the correct message and all I'm finding is some… deleted thread? or something?

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 23, 2017, 8:52 a.m. No.1103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1106


Aight, I believe I found it. Someone calling for banning namefags? And?


(Don't call that number again, plz. Yes, I know that those stupid background sites give bad info.)

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 23, 2017, 10:03 a.m. No.1109   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I went so MATHEMATICAL as SUPER RAINBOWDASH that I broke through to another show's dimension.


Should be easy to figure out where these head pats are going.




Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 12:23 a.m. No.1135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1136


I was reading a journal that was more of a review with a bunch of parts that were out of my talent spectrum at the moment.


But I did pop onto the discord for some dank and spicy memes to encourage the Pathgawds.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:02 a.m. No.1137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1138 >>1139


Well… I guess it's story time.


So… you see…


I'm a bit of a muh'fuggin' hippy an' shit.

I'm always trying to get into collaborative projects.

Especially with my main project, I had to find more than just myself to get anywhere past my own universe.


So… it's another similar collaborative piece but it's the pared version of the whole notebook. Can't show it to ya because… y'know… artists and their methods. Y'all wanna know what we see and think, but no one's allowed to see the notes until well after what e're working is already a thing. Think like… da Vinci notebooks… or… pic related.


It involves this story I was working on with the guy who showed me 4chan a brazillion years ago. Some real RPG2000 shit, map making, storytelling… he was focused on an epic hero journey whereas I came up with an entire pantheon of gods and how the overarching story would play out. This was back when I was still trying to figure out how to speak correctly and "Time Matter and Energy" coming together to form a god (Named Renz, other guy came up with the name), that immediately starts dreaming, and creating fantastic scenarios of gods and magic and "men" and then the gods influenced men with their magic too much so they and their magic took a nap. Meanwhile, "Man" discovers "Natural" magic and interacts with all the other species that the other guy was coming up with. All the while the original sleeping god is LARPing as a crotchety old trickster who's forever annoyed by this constant ringing that sounds like an alarm. Other guy was more into the Tompfk Fishman part of the story than I was.


So I figured, with all the gods asleep, I think I modeled it off the Ogdoad at first, then a lil' more Greco-Roman, then full blown Hindu but that was a bit much so I pared it down to… 8 sets. So I'd need 16 writers who could work together to write the dreams according to an order I set and they would be going in an out of dreams waking each other up and the whole thing was gonna take decades to flesh out.


Eventually all the Gods are awake and we get back to book 1. Or I guess maybe book 1a. Whatever. All the gods are awake and they find Tompfk and try to wake him up. Then there was some epic battle and at some point the pantheon realized they were all the answer was to just give Tompfk a hug and offer understanding. That connection reunites the full consciousness of Renz, who wakes up and "Time Matter and Energy" say "You've done this {n} times! Ready to have a new dream?" and back to the dreamworld he goes.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:20 a.m. No.1138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1139


Keep in mind, that was written a long time ago.


Shortly after I figured the time, matter and energy thing didn't make sense since matter was just reeeeeeally slow energy or like… condensed darkness drawing light to it or something (I had a whole spectral breakdown of the density layers of the earth for… whatever reason) but regardless I figured they were the same thing. Or something. So it became time, energy, and space. And they weren't entities outright, the Consciousness of Divinity was like… split in two… and everything worked basically like a load bar.


Starts black, light goes forward filling in all the black. God is the Light coming from point Alpha going to Omega… only to realized it was the Space as well because God was waiting for God's self with a grin saying "Everything has been accomplished for eternity for the {n} time! Ready to do Infinity all over again, but differently?"


But frankly even that didn't make complete sense because it was just this… loop… but.. with like… 1 difference that makes each progression of infinity different. 1 planck to the left. All the little and big things. Nothing else to do, so at least it's something to do, right?


Time goes by, do stuff, keep thinkin' 'bout it and readin' bout it… find Everything Forever due to staring through a porch rail, contemplating that i can never see the other side of anything on the opposite side of my limited perspective and I was juuuuuust fucked up enough to think "0 is greater than 1… the fuck?" and that was followed by being juuuuuuust fucked up enough to actually google it which led me to a fucking ZELDA forum (non-lewd) where they were discussing this book called Everything Forever by Gavin Giorbran and dear sweet merciful FUCK that's the book I'd been looking for my entire life.


So at some point I come up with and copyright that lil' diagram-o-mine and end up grabbing The Doctor's attention by blathering on about split-octonians and surr/hypereal numbers and what I didn't even know were called "limits" (at the time) cuz I was just trying to figure out how the fuck to get from .999… to 1 as I had been for the last 10 frickin' years. Something about 0111/0 or something like that which a physicist proved was wrong.


And then The Doctor, who specializes in geometry that has nothing to do with physical reality, as he puts it, the non-euclidean kind… loooooooots of drinking sessions later… I kept thinking in terms of "difference" and "change" and "and" and "or" which have completely batshit meanings in math because the nerds are fuckwits and naming shit and long story short:


Look at a math problem.

Is time happening?

Where is it? (imagine the paper is an infinite plane)

Time doesn't real, in math.

Energy isn't a "thing", energy is the ability for work to happen over time, which doesn't real.

So energy doesn't real.

So all you're left with is space…

And consciousness…

And you really need to study cones and toroids.


He moved away abooooooout…. 8 or 9 months.


And then eventually all this happened.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:32 a.m. No.1140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1141 >>1142


The Martin Luther "What you say?!" copy-pasta meme made me kek.


The rest of it… I feel like my story was at least somewhat touching and then… Absurdly unnecessary hatred laden with appeals to emotion followed by a slight at the God Emperor.


-le sigh-

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:35 a.m. No.1141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I mean, you could have at least called him a Zionist fuckstain. Or a low level Qabal member or something.


There is a difference… Hell, he mighta been in Kosher Nostra (not joking) or that sycophantic "follow the messiah rebbi" hassidic mafia shit.


So like…

At least complete the thought.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:41 a.m. No.1145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1147


Maybe it was the pics that made feel it was overly generalized. Makes sense to me.


It's not like I was arguing with ya about the piece of shit or about shekel grubbing kikes, but I generally leave your "non-MoT obsessed" Jew out of it at least.


Hell, I haven't attended a regular service in a synagogue since I was like… 8.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:43 a.m. No.1146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148


Free but unprotected?

Maybe "free soon" happens after "swamp draining" and golly… he's not available to be freed anymore.


Positive thinking.

Positive thinking.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:49 a.m. No.1149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ooooooh…. or 5d chess… just like how he let Alabama get stolen to out their mechanisms and scheming kikery…


Who was pushing for this guy to be let out in the first place? I'm getting this weird Barnabas vibe or whoever the pharisees let go instead of Jesus.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 1:50 a.m. No.1151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You are more than welcome to vent the rest of it in my EZ Bake Oven.


Go head.

Throw some jew on that fire to keep it LIT, FAMBALAM!

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 9:01 a.m. No.1158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1160


I was trying to motivate again since it was so important I did so last time that folks tracked me down. I saw a lull and tried related a story. Then OP came in all down in the dumps and I tried to cheer OP up and got him over to the EZ Bake as I could. Aaaaand it went there.


I'm trying to behave, damn it.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 9:03 a.m. No.1159   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And this isn't an occult mission.

This is a mission of vision, so that all may see.

Literally the opposite of that thing you said.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 3 p.m. No.1165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1166


And yes. This is inside everyone.

But not everyone is focusing there at the moment.

Some of them are focusing on code.

And I'm here to support them.



It's like gay sex.

Some other guy has it covered and I can experience vicariously through him to understand the idea.



Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 24, 2017, 3:07 p.m. No.1166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1168 >>1169


Literally you might as well say that the Math and the capability to figure this out is within ME, as well. Which it is. But we're all at different points on the same… whaaaaatever… and the collective consciousness is the delivery system.


Don't forget… all of this work is actually already accomplished… this is how it's disseminated to the world.


Once it's understood here by the few, it can be passed around through the channel(s) to the many.


If VQC wanted credit for this, like the whole Lucifer serving Man story, he'd have just handed it to you. But… it wouldn't be as thoroughly understood and… how in fuck would you have found THIS TEAM of ABSOLUTELY CAPABLE MINDS if you were just handing out something that seemed so monstrously absurd to begin with? When would you have even heard about it? Teach seems to be on the academic up and up but how many filters would it have gone through before TEACH ever saw it, let alone us academic and corporate outsiders?


I'm not even a fucking mathnerd and I understand that.


So… quit with the discouragement.

You want to piss and moan about thread sliding in a timeless environment, you can do it elsewhere.


I was brought back into this space for a purpose… Anons needed -headpats-. I did my job, and now I'm fuckering back off until I either pop back in, or my attention is brought back here.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 26, 2017, 2:52 p.m. No.1340   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Can you figure out a way to do all of this with redstone dust?


I don't know how you'd set it to generate stuff but that'd be a hell of a light show.


Don't forget, someone built a working Pentium in Minecraft and immediately got scooped up by IBM.



I wonder…

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 27, 2017, 1:25 a.m. No.1360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1369


Sounds like the goal is to be speaking so correctly that they can't dismiss you.


They're all about dat proof, right?

Don't believe it til they see yet?



Looked how far unbridled ponies have gone on faith and friendship alone?


Bronies is a no bueno title.

Leaves out the Pegasisters.

I just love Love.


Don't let the doubting thomases and demotivation shills waiver your faith.


You can already see you're on solid footing when you walk this path.


Keep going.

Finishing this leg only leads to putting the next foot down.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 2:57 a.m. No.1445   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's frickin' trippy to see the conversations I had with Him when "behind and ahead of myself" were weren't as stabilized as they appear to be "now".


Something to look forward when your homework is finished. /VQC/VA is kindly setting up the Legend of VQC, when he Guided us to a Map, that at the time looked as if a blank whiteboard.


And then the motherfucker lit a blunt, threw a marker on the ground and said, "Now… What's going on here?". When the smoke cleared, someone was holding the marker which was wrapped in a small note. He showed it to his friends and they started drawing on the wall.


Now about that time, one of the art students smelled the smelly smell of something that smelled smelly. And his eyes lit up because that's the most illegal stuff on the planet. I'm talking blasting off at the speed of light with sounds in all directions in every frequency at every octave and volume. A piercing, rising tone that takes you all the way through the veil… chakras on full blast.


"What is going on HERE/NOW?!", that loquacious hobbit exclaimed as he burst in the door.


The nerds were unphased but this albino lookin' Powder-wannabe in a morpheus get up raised the blunt. Sheeeeeeeeeeeit. Apparently das muh nigga right der.


So after some really heady conversations, because Dank Man Traning, the art student went and started drawing on the whiteboard cuz… fuck… I know how to use one of these. Dude was so high he drew a fucking pony. This greatly confused the nerds. So Albino Morpheus pulled out the Wizard's Pipe full of Meta*Sign CBTs and told the art student to quit being such a fucking spaz.


After the Preesh Pipe, the two wandered off to enjoy a cigarette and step out of the hotbox for a second.


Upon returning, the art student set up and easel and drew odd hypotheticals to the side… but still on the whiteboard every now then when the space needed to be held with a little gayety.


Meanwhile, Twinkie von Fishburn smoked so much that he's more or less in his own little world, popping in an out to shout random things that get the nerds excited for whatever reason aaaaand then right back to la la land.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 3:09 a.m. No.1449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>elliptic curves and modular forms are the same

Here's one… but… yooooou know meeee. -shrug-


Rhoades, Pæths… -shrug-

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 3:11 a.m. No.1450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7.2 Case K = blackboard math Q


-pats self on the head-

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 10:51 a.m. No.1470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Couldn't find one…

Oh well.

Guess I have to find an artist or something to make it. I'll get right on finding them. BRB!

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 11:42 a.m. No.1472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ironically, I think I did convince someone to do their own version so when they finish, I'll pass it along.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 1:45 p.m. No.1483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm just pointing out that Green Number Muncher has 2 c's for eyes… (c)o-Inside-n(c)e?


aren't n and e and c like… significant or something? -draws more weirdness-



-quantum bubble nnnnnoises-

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 2:41 p.m. No.1489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1491


Are you in it for the money or the love of math?

Don't worry about the money.

Imagine like… all the money going away at once cuz all banking will be obliterfucked and restructed.


Might take 3 days or 15 days. Maybe you'll hardly notice it.


But, if you MUST focus on that whole eating and having a roof over your head… broaden your prayer to include everyone so that no one ever has to have that concern ever again.



Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 28, 2017, 2:50 p.m. No.1492   🗄️.is 🔗kun


St German… Git it?

Jetzt hör auf, ein Schekel zu sein, der Kike rodelt, und konzentriere dich darauf, jetzt zu arbeiten!

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 29, 2017, 12:57 a.m. No.1587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1588 >>1609


What on earth is IOTA?

I came across that doing my translation games with (Dooooon't ask.)



Seeeeeeeee… I keep seeing Capsule Corp which is more C C… C^2… Verde Q Code, the Green Q… hold on… besides the money reference… kikes… an oven… I think a chef's hat with a … i've already started drawing this out a day or two ago while I was working on ALL THE THINGS.


Gimme a bit.


Also, no one worry about this being an ELE.

We're fine. Everyone's fine. Everything's fine.

Faith. You can haz.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 29, 2017, 1:38 a.m. No.1590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1591


I mean… I'm fine with a Q… it's just Number Muncher Green.


Also, I'm not a graphic designer.


I make graphic designers want to plunge their exacto knives through their eyes. I use papyrus, on purpose, with a thick black stroke.


Somewhere, a graphic designer just had an emotional breakdown because I made this.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 29, 2017, 1:53 a.m. No.1596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1597


Did you just unintentionally reply to yourself or are ya still admiring the general glory of it all?


Also, there's a thing involving C2 in the EZ bake.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 30, 2017, 2:20 a.m. No.1699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1700

Ignore your squabbles.

You can watch the entirety of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the Q episodes alone.


VQC isn't "Albino Morpheus".





I'm not even done with the episode, i've been through voyager… DS9 (999) is the ending.


Calling it now.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 30, 2017, 2:21 a.m. No.1700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1723


dubs aside, i meant all of star trek after Qirq (Xerxes) landed us some attention.


I'll be back.


On a thing.








You know how I do.

Topolanon +++ !!UrvFpU0has ID: 3520dc Dec. 30, 2017, 3:48 a.m. No.1707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Janeway and Vash…

Personal Matter…


Also, halfway through memfarming I got cheeky so you fucking figure it out.