Anonymous ID: 261cb7 Dec. 7, 2019, 2:23 a.m. No.10163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0164 >>0165 >>0166

Everybody reading this post, listen up: if there is no VQC by Jan 1, 2022, we are going to hold a meetup, in the nearest town to AA he feels comfortable with. A few months prior, we will decide on identifying apparel so we can find each other. This should authoritatively happen on /vqc/ but there probably will need to be side channels for people who are afraid. Let’s worry about that at that time.


I propose a charter: if no VQC by then, let’s create the world’s best, most widespread, most insidious to kill or block, multi-dimensional, virtual quantum, actually quantum, free speech platform known to man. This 8ch/8kun shit, while being exactly what is needed atm, and laudable, and having my sincerest thanks, prayers, from the bottom of my heart— this will not save us, the us being the you & me present here and reading this. We must take matters into our own hands if, and only if, /vqc/ does not deliver. Because if it does, our opinions are simply meaningless. If it does not deliver, well, it was the precipitating event that brought about 20/5,000,000,000 together for some reason we will collectively discover.

Anonymous ID: 261cb7 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:51 a.m. No.10177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0184


I have a few thoughts. The pic related in the blue dots, we’ve seen this pop up before in plots. This is Euler’s totient function, which is an extremely homosexual way of saying “for a given number, how many numbers smaller than it share only 1 as a factor”. Obviously for primes it would be all of them so if n is your prime the value would be (n - 1), which is what sets the hard linear (ish?) upper edge.


Actually, more of interest to me is which seems like a simpler and more useful version of above. The second plot is blue on green, and the blue is Carmichael’s and green is Euler’s. It is cool how they both are the same for primes, and they still have this certain look at them, but Carmichael’s kinda “fills in” everywhere Euler’s isn’t. Also:


>a^m ≡ 1 (mod n) for every integer a between 1 and n that is coprime to n (i.e., that only shares 1 as a factor)


… looks cool and is easy to wrap your head around, mostly.


I think my favorite thing I found was Basically, it related modular factorials (just factorial calculations using wraparound logic) to primes and magically the value on primes also comes out to itself - 1, same for Euler’s totient and Carmichael’s above, but is zero the rest of the time.


It’s cool to think about, not sure if this is any use.