Anonymous ID: 10690f July 3, 2020, 1:49 a.m. No.174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

S.T.F.U. offering.

Could be reformatted to suit a size.

This is 1200 x 675.


Don't hold back.

If you don't like it, say so.

My feels won't be hurt.

I do this for a living.

Anonymous ID: 10690f July 3, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.344   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks 343.

I was making a suggestion to Memefarmer not really calling for help but you made my case.


Stand by for requests from UOpps.

Anonymous ID: 10690f July 3, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

S.T.F.U. v2.

Please note that idea of tv with shrieks everywhere will make for a messy look and maybe even hard to read.

Graphic design is about quick communication.

The quicker the better.

Also, MSM includes newspapers and magazines (other?) per the logos below so wonder if targeting tv is expedient.

Your call.


If I put a tv in, (old type tv for easy recognition) I would probably put it only behind his head to allow the for largest talking head image. It will cause everything to be smaller except for STFU. Full frame tv would make everything smaller including STFU because of the border. It will also be affected by the final size spec.


Also, can do any colour scheme.

Sickly green is kinda good, something very 'Matrix' about it.


Preferred size?

Currently 1200 x 675.

Anonymous ID: 10690f July 4, 2020, 1:54 a.m. No.351   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Query in Red - Graphics anon




SCOUTS are the eyes and ears of the digital army.

They gather intel including relevant images, facts, numbers, links, Trump Tweets, videos, news articles, open-to-the-public comment sections, phone numbers of representatives' offices, important foreign news (in English translation), Deep State Tweets of importance, embarrassing deleted Tweets by Hollywood/politicians/celebs, comments on news items from professionals (e.g. doctors, lawyers, police) to debunk fake news.

SCOUTS post information you collect anonymously on QResearch (QR).

The intel SCOUTS bring is disseminated by millions of anons. Information considered noteworthy is marked as notable. “Notables” are the QResearch breaking news. They are listed at the top of each thread and automatically copied to - a site that is suitable for work.


(a site that is suitable for work. < this is not clear)



Anons on QResearch General are SCOUTS. So are planefags, boatfags, diggers and everyone who reads something interesting and tells us through Social Media or by posting on the QR boards. There are millions and millions of SCOUTS all over the world.



When you find something of interest to QResearch:

1 Make a SCREENSHOT (websites, Tweets or other Social Media posts);

2 Download the PROOF (screenshots, videos, pictures, PDF etc);

3 ARCHIVE your proof offline;

4 Copy the Source of your discovery.

5 Go to QResearch. LINK:;

6 Click on the latest thread (see picture);

7 Post your information including the Source of information and proofs.

8 Wait (Lurk) around for anons to notice and react to your information. Sometimes they miss it. Either come back later to re-post or ask for an opinion on what you found.



Some people don’t visit QResearch. Yes, it can get a bit rough in there sometimes but Q picked it for a reason.

It is a free speech board with the exception of child pornography in any form and copyright infringement.

Shills use repulsion to damage the board.

You CAN be a SCOUT without the QResearch boards though:

1 Use your Social Media account to post information;

2 Your Social Media post should always include the Source of the information;

3 Make screenshots immediately, as websites, articles or Tweets can often be quickly deleted due to damning information;

4 Tag your message with fitting hashtags so that others can find it;

5 Share your finds with the world;

6 Others will find your posts and forward the information to the QResearch board.


Thank you for becoming a SCOUT.

The Digital Army couldn’t do it without you.

Anonymous ID: 10690f July 4, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.352   🗄️.is 🔗kun





You are a highly experienced Social Media operator fighting on the front lines.

You engage the enemy directly, using memes, replies, videos, comments, articles, on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and any other Social Media where you choose to establish a presence.

Your meme warfare has attained "Troll Master" level. You know how to navigate the censorship snares and how to keep your accounts alive so you can fight another day. You have the BEST memes, articles and videos. You work alone or hunt in packs, whichever you prefer.

TA is supported by Unit Operations (UO) and FLANKS. TA lights up the targets, FLANKS follow your lead and spread whatever message you signal.



TA picks their own battles. UO prepares daily bulletins with suggested targets e.g. hashtags, articles to refute, stories to break, red pills to be sent out etc, but the decision is up to the individual Tactical Assault soldier. TAs do not take orders. TAs think for themselves.

TA picks targets based on:

1 News;

2 Red-pilling;

3 President Trump’s Tweets;

4 Deep State Social Media messages;

5 Other criteria.



TAs are highly valued targets for censors.

Accordingly, we do not list TA Social Media accounts.

Any list would be found and the accounts terminated.

TAs finds their own FLANKS:

1 Approach Social Media accounts that follow you via Direct Message;

2 Ask if they want to join your FLANK team;

3 Send them to S.T.F.U. to verify your mandate;

4 Create a ReTweet Room (RTR);

5 Instruct FLANKS: RTRs are a one-way street, you send, they receive;

6 Your instruction is the first message in your RTR;

7 FLANKS cannot post, only ReTweet your drop;

8 Keep number of FLANKS in RTR as high as possible;

9 Life must be easy on FLANKS: don’t labor them with endless conversation;

10 TA creates workarounds for other Social Media platforms.



TAs are asked to share their best memes and great successes with QResearch.



1 Meme ammo: (INSERT LINK, MEMEFARMER where is the meme archive?)

2 Social Media tips: (INSERT LINKSanons we need to put all material On 1 page. Pls go do it and post on this thread

3 Talk to other TA’s and compare notes, share targets etc. (INSERT LINK, special thread, ask endchan warroom anon)


Thank you for joining TA.

The Digital Army couldn’t do it without you.

Anonymous ID: 10690f July 4, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.353   🗄️.is 🔗kun





FLANKS support TACTICAL ASSAULT (TA) by amplifying the message:

You are the formerly SILENT MAJORITY who want to help but don't know how. FLANKS follow ONE WAY RETWEET GROUPS set up by a TA warrior. When TA drops ordinance, you hit Social Media. You also report bots and violence, call representatives when required, fill out polls, sign petitions etc. We love FLANKS. Without you, truths would not be heard. Your mandate, in a nutshell, is to amplify the message exponentially from a WHISPER to a ROAR.



1 Follow a TA warrior. They light up the target, you fire at it.

2 TAs need FLANKS. TAs approach FLANKS on Social Media and set up a ReTweet Room (RTR).

3 A RTR is a one-way street: TA posts and FLANKS follow up.

4 FLANKS do not post anything in the RTR.

5 TA can copy a Tweet to ReTweet, or post to other Social Media platforms.

6 FLANKS spread the message.



TAs are valuable targets for the Deep State to censor. That’s why we never list TAs. Their accounts would be terminated the very same day.

1 To find a TA, approach an account that you identify as maybe a TA via Direct Message;

2 Ask if they have a RTR you can join;

3 ReTweet their messages every day.



1 Like and ReTweet ALL of President Trump’s Social Media messages;

2 Report all violence and threats you see on social media;

3 Report Democrat/Antifa/BLM bot accounts you encounter on Social Media;

4 Vote and ReTweet POLLS about President Trump or other political issues;

5 Sign and share important White House Petitions;

6 Read and tell others about it;

7 Learn everything there is to know about social media skills.


Thank you for becoming a FLANK.

The Digital Army couldn’t do it without you.

Anonymous ID: 10690f July 4, 2020, 2:01 a.m. No.354   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Note that bold bits are not included in the text for SCOUTS, TACTICAL ASSAULT and FLANKS text. My Mac won't format bold.


The use of CAPS and Word Caps is a visual aid to help break up the monotony of otherwise boring blocks of text. It also drags the eye to central points which hopefully creates enough interest to encourage reading.


I got creative in a couple of spots, adding about Q and child porn/copyright on QR. Mainly incidental stuff.


Graphics Anon.