i think we should direct normies to General WarRoom thread. then from their we can advise on where to go.
scout thread
assault thread
flank thread
opeations thread
but i think have a general warroom thread is what we are looking ofor.
i think we should direct normies to General WarRoom thread. then from their we can advise on where to go.
scout thread
assault thread
flank thread
opeations thread
but i think have a general warroom thread is what we are looking ofor.
>>228 ok im here
yes thank you i will aslo check on scouts draft, but would be better to have a scout check it over as i am more assualt and flank.
genesis WR makes a great scout/operations mi feels
i do once in a while. its like a golden ticket to me <3.
dont want to share it too much and get lost.
God Bless Charlie and his chocolate factory o7
but u used it out of context
normie anon
#Votebiden sukx
autist anon
i will not #votebiden
see how that works?
Pls read the bulletin:
Scouts: go to Qresearch or lurk (or freelance on TA or UO)
Scouts -unit Operations
TACTICAL ASSAULT: GO TO TA thread on warroom board (or lurk/post on QR general)
assault -tactical assualt
FLANKS: are on social media (or visit the boards)
flanks -tactical assualt
UNIT OPS: are on UO thread (Or visit AR general or TA)
unit ops -unit Operations