Quick Tips (imo, ime):
1 hash trending
3 hash unique (the rest optional, can use other trending)
i use 5 personally
sometimes i go over 5
sometimes i don't include hash
#Sometimes i use any #word #hash, #kek
core hash 10 [sdny, epstein, maxwell, ghislaine, bidenKnew obamagate etc]
mix them into msgs
'#bill is dirrty and #comeyKnew; we know because of #riceEmail.
#ObamaGate is revealed.
or just list them out and thank somebody (not all the Time)
'#hillary #cf #epstein #weinstein #SDNY
Thank you @Somebody'
>sometimes i don't include hash
>sometimes i go over 5
if 1 new powerful meme, single meme (rare)
if older seen memes, use 4 good ones
sometimes less images makes them stand out (2-3)
if slow internet, 1-2 images.