Scouts General #1 >>2938 added to dough
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kekbees has been at it a long time, good to have on your side.
Honey will get you farther than vinegar.
If any get out of line with kekbees (or other qresearch bakers) they will get it from both sides, will not tolerate disrespectful idiots.
Tag the dough.
Ask/request humbly and with respect.
Only ask once per bread.
Be cognizant of issues that may be occurring.
Nothing is so critical (time sensitive) to warrant being an ass, shitting the bread, or attacking fellow anons (bakers) that are doing extra work (baking).
Will get everyone farther working together.
General Statement - Not directed at anyone in particular.
>All /communityboard/ entities outside of /qr/ are 3rd party visitors, and need to respect the /qr/ anons accordingly.
And if you want to generate real interest, longevity, and camaraderie it is paramount.
Things are about to get a lot crazier than they have been, and the ship(s) needs to run tight, all of them.
Think of the many areas we operate in as a battle group..Qresearch is the Aircraft Carrier, the rest are Destroyers, Battleships, and support wessels.